By May 2021, Spain have reached a cumulative photovoltaic capacity of 12,360 MW. So far this year, 646 MW have been introduced, according to data from Red Eléctrica.
2020 was a year in which photovoltaic energy, despite COVID-19 and the health, social and economic crisis that has led to its emergence around the world, demonstrated its resilience and its potential to be at the forefront of renewable energies.
The level of competitiveness of photovoltaic energy means that it no longer needs any kind of public support to make its plants a reality. This is demonstrated by the fact that we ended the year with 2,812 MW of new installed capacity without any type of subsidies, only through bilateral energy sales contracts and with projects that have gone directly to market price.
This is also a promising scenario for self-consumption, which has taken an unprecedented leap forward with 596 MW of new capacity. A figure that represents an increase of 30% compared to 2019, when almost 600 MW were placed.
The year 2019 was a historic milestone for the photovoltaic sector in Spain, setting new records in all indicators. This is due to the massive introduction of new capacity with the grid connection of photovoltaic projects that won the 2017 auctions. The entry into operation of these projects made a sharp break with the stagnation of the sector.