Madrid, 8 November 2021 | Konery has obtained the UNEF Quality Seal for installers that the Spanish Photovoltaic Union has launched this year. A certification system created to ensure the quality of the installations, through the training of electrical installers and audits of self-consumption installation companies.
EKISOLAR, Led's Go Project, SUDRenovables, Instalsud, JORFE and now Konery are the six self-consumption companies that have so far obtained this Seal with which the Spanish Photovoltaic Union has sought to comply with the mandate of the member companies to ensure the penetration of the use of photovoltaic energy in our country in the best conditions for consumers.
The UNEF Quality Seal for installers establishes a certification system that guarantees that photovoltaic self-consumption installations are carried out in accordance with the rules established by a committee of experts in the sector. Given that this is a young technology in continuous innovation and growth, the Committee, which will be made up of a balanced composition of representatives of users, administration, installers and certifiers, will constantly review and update the rules as an additional guarantee of the quality seal.
"This quality seal was created as a response to the needs of the sector in a scenario in which photovoltaic self-consumption installations are experiencing a very high increase, so that consumers who decide to take the step and install a self-consumption installation on their roofs can do so with full guarantees and allow them to select fully reliable installation companies that meet all the requirements", emphasises José Donoso, General Manager of UNEF, which represents 90% of the sector.
"With a correct installation, consumers will be able to save on their electricity bills and limit their CO2 emissions in a society that is increasingly committed to the environment", Donoso points out.
Konery is a company specialising in energy efficiency and renewable energies, in search of an energy model that improves the environment and the competitiveness of our customers. This commitment has led them to specialise in all areas that affect energy performance: renewable energy, the energy market, energy efficiency, management software and electric mobility.
For its part, JORFE is a consolidated company in the energy sector with more than 35 years of experience offering advice, energy management, execution of installations and maintenance for all types of buildings in the industrial, tertiary, commercial and public administration sectors.
SUD Renovables offers comprehensive services in the field of engineering, construction and operation of renewable energies. The group is vertically integrated, including both project development engineering and its own installation company. They are specialists in the execution of photovoltaic projects for self-consumption, mainly focused on large industrial roofs, under the turnkey modality.
They have their own laboratory where we combine different technologies, comparing yields for more than ten years, and adding up. We also have the industry's leading management certificates.
Instalsud is the SUD Group's installation company and is made up of the installation team and the professionals who maintain the photovoltaic plants.
Finally, EKISOLAR has specialised in solar photovoltaic installations since 2006 and works on turnkey projects, offering a comprehensive solution for design, installation, legalisation and maintenance. It has carried out most of its installations for companies in all sectors (industrial, services, agri-food, etc.) in the Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja and Aragon. It develops both residential and individual or community installations and projects for local administrations and energy communities.
Led's Go Project, through its brand AOD Renovables, has the mission to help companies and families to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities by offering energy solutions related to the renewable energy market, promoting the reduction of consumption and environmental pollution.